Monday, 1 October 2012

Studentship begins

Today at last I am glad to say that the PhD funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council through the Creative Industries Knowledge Transfer Network has begun!

Florian Kräutli (seen below winning a design prize in 2009), has previously studied at the Design Academy Eindhoven and most recently on the MSc Cognitive Computing at Goldsmiths University of London. He will investigate - through a series of practical projects - the visualisation of cultural data, with special emphasis on visualisations over time.

Florian Kräutli (right), now PhD student, presented with a design prize by Swiss minister of Home Affairs Pascal Couchepin in 2009.
There will shortly be a blog for the project with regular links to the Chronographics blog you are reading now.

The commercial partner is System Simulation, a software house with unrivalled experience of creating tools to manage and present cultural and other datasets. Their clients include the British Museum, the London Transport Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, Getty Images, SCRAN (Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network) and Culture24.

Florian's personal page
System Simulation company page